Our Boys & Health Stats
Chomsky is our pride and joy and the cornerstone of our program! Chomsky comes from the lines of Noam and Lola, the two that began our entire breeding program. Chomsky is stoic and regal; intelligent and eager to please. Currently, he is training to become a service dog and has far exceeded all training expectations. He truly is perfection.
*Chomsky has currently passed his preliminary OFA testing*.
Chomsky’s Health Stats
Koda is one of the most handsome, jovial males in our program. His contagious smile will light up your world! Not only is Koda the epitome of a true golden retriever, but his European lineage is also rich, making him a fantastic addition to the Stage Gulch family.
Theodore is our Prince Charming. He is coveted by most service dog agencies and we are told often that his temperament is perfect! He is the most empathetic dog that we have ever owned and one of his hobbies includes staring deeply into our eyes or nudging his head onto our laps for a cuddle. He is an absolute sweetheart.
Not only does he have an exceptional temperament, but he also is absolutely perfect in structure with his handsome blocky head and flawlessly soft coat.
Noah comes from a line of therapy dogs. Noah is a love bug and has a fond love for children. He has an exceptionally calm temperament, loves playing fetch, and most days you can find him in a corner with a child reading a book to him.